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How much notice before an event do I need to place an order?

Minimum two weeks.


How far in advance can I book a cake?

For wedding cakes, one (1) year.

All others are three to six (3-6) months in advance.


Cake size servings:

6” will provide 8-12 servings

6” (Tall) will provide 15-20 servings

8” will provide 15-20 servings

8” (Tall) will provide 25-35 servings

10” will provide 30-40 servings

12” will provide 45-55 servings


Picking Up My Cake:


What is the best way to travel with my cake?

Your cake must be secured in a box and placed on a flat surface.

Weather tech mats are great, as the cake box will not slide.

If placed on the fabric, you can secure the cake from sliding by placing wedge items around the cake box.


What is the proper way to store my cake?

Cakes should be stored and kept in the refrigerator until ready to display.


How long can I display the cake?

I suggest displaying the cake for about an hour and a half (if indoors) before cutting. If outdoors, we recommend 1 hour before sitting. This time also depends on the weather. If it’s cooler/cold weather, an hour to an hour and a half before cutting. If it’s extra hot, we recommend 20-30 minutes. The outside of the cake will start changing rapidly with the heat. To avoid this, keep the cake stored in the refrigerator.


For other questions, please contact us at

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